
Everyone who is seeking or receiving care in the Australian Health system has certain rights regarding the nature of that care. These are described in the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights

Patients, consumers, healthcare providers and health service organisations all have an important part to play in achieving healthcare rights and contributing to a safe and high quality healthcare system. A genuine partnership between patients, consumers and healthcare providers is important so that everyone achieves the best possible outcomes.

In line with this Charter, Macquarie Street Periodontists has developed the following charter of patient rights, relating to the key criteria of access, safety, respect, communication, participation, privacy, and comment.


We aim to provide patients with appointments to meet their treatment needs. It is requested patients make an agreed appointment time and date to assist the scheduling process, notifying the practice when this appointment cannot be met. We ask for contact details so we may contact you or send you an appointment reminder.  If necessary, we appreciate patients advising promptly of the need to cancel or reschedule an appointment. We request 24 hours notice. Repeated missed appointments or long appointments may require a booking fee.

We will provide confirmation notices and reminders for appointments, via telephone/SMS/email (or a combination of these means), to assist patients in attending appointments and/or arranging alternate times. In rare circumstances, we may have to reschedule appointments, and in these cases we will do our best to provide at least 48 hours of notice, as well as offering another appointment time that is acceptable.

In the event we are unable to accommodate a patient’s request for an appointment at a specific time/date, consultation with the treating dental practitioner will be sought if requested.


The safety of patients and staff is paramount, and we will always do everything possible to ensure a safe environment in which to deliver the appropriate health care to the highest possible standard.

All patients are required to complete a full medical and medication history as accurately and completely as possible, to allow practitioners and staff to identify any circumstances that may increase the risks associated with dental care.

In the unlikely occurrence of an adverse event, we will manage this professionally and with care. Every dental practitioner in Australia has a responsibility to be open and honest in communications with the patient involved, and families or carers if applicable.  In line with the Code of Conduct for Registered Health Practitioners, it is our responsibility to explain how and why the situation has arisen, what the short- and long-term consequences may be, and what can be done to rectify the situation. This may incorporate consultation with other professionals, if this is deemed necessary or helpful in identifying and correcting any adverse outcomes, and appropriate documentation and records will be made available if required.

Our primary concern is the health and wellbeing of the patient and we are honest in our communications as we seek to offer support and advice with regard to how the situation can best be resolved or managed. 

Open Disclosure

Upon recognising the occurrence of an adverse event, the dental practitioner will follow our Open Disclosure Process, which aligns with the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare’s Open Disclosure Framework.

Sufficient detail is to be recorded in patient records to reflect the information provided to the patient about the incident, associated risks and likely consequences. The dental practitioner will notify their professional indemnity insurer of the occurrence of the adverse event, consistent with the clauses of their policy.


Macquarie Street Periodontists values all patients as a unique person and aim to provide dental treatment in a manner that is respectful of their culture, beliefs, values and personal characteristics. Patients are asked to reciprocate this respect by being mindful of all staff and other patients.

Communication and Decision Making

We respect the patient’s right to receive adequate information to make informed decisions regarding their health and healthcare. Consequently, staff should continually demonstrate a commitment to providing patients with accessible and understandable information about their treatment and treatment options, including costs, proposed medications and risks involved. We expect patients to actively participate in decisions and choices about their treatment and dental needs, involving family or carers where required.

This includes maintaining evidence that patients are fully informed about their proposed treatment and have been a partner in the development of their treatment plan. Such evidence will be monitored through the practices records monitoring and review processes.

Informed Consent Process

The initial examination of a patient shall be considered as having occurred with ‘implied consent’ based on the patient booking the appointment, attending, and allowing the physical examination to occur. Any subsequent treatment shall require the patient to make an informed decision and consent to treatment either verbally or in writing depending on the procedure and the associated risks.

The dental practitioner who will perform the treatment is responsible for the following informed consent process in line with the Dental Board of Australia’s Code of Conduct for Registered Health Practitioners.

A patient will be:

  • informed of the proposed procedures
  • informed about risks and benefits 
  • informed about options
  • offered the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers
  • afforded time to discuss the plan with family or advisors if complex or required
  • informed of the cost

Dental practitioners are required to provide relevant documentation to the patient about the proposed treatment. Macquarie Street Periodontists also requires Dental Practitioners to use their clinical judgement to determine when written consent is required from the patient and/or carer.  Dental practitioners shall take into account additional considerations regarding guardianship arrangements for consent matters when dealing with vulnerable patients.

Sufficient detail is to be recorded in patient records to reflect the information about the treatment options provided to the patient as well as the agreed upon treatment plan.

Informed Consent Documentation

All informed consent documentation is reviewed at regular intervals and any updates to these documents are designed to improve patient understanding and the quality of care provided.


We strictly comply with the relevant laws and directives, including the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988, the Dental Board of Australia’s Code of Conduct for Registered Health Practitioners, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner National Privacy Principles 2001 and the Tasmanian Charter of Health Rights and Responsibilities.

Unless directed otherwise by police or federal authorities (e.g. for the purposes of forensics), patient information will only be used for the purpose of providing healthcare, or for communication to facilitate this care, or to address issues affecting ongoing care. In some circumstances, this may include sharing this information with other healthcare providers, but this only be done with consent, and would be limited to specific relevant information.

Patients have the right to access your information, and are able to ask for corrections to be made if there are inaccuracies. 


You have the right to comment on your healthcare, and if you have any concerns regarding this care, you have the right to have those concerns addressed.

At Macquarie Street Periodontists, we aim to provide all of our patients with the highest level of care. If for any reason you are unhappy with the care you’ve received, or if you feel that there are ways in which we could improve our service, please let us know. 

We will always aim to address any concerns in a timely and efficient manner. In the event of a matter that cannot be resolved at this level, we will notify and seek advice from the relevant professional organisations, and can put you in touch with the appropriate entities.